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Registration Form

This is the main title of your listing. It should contain roughly 10 words that emphasize your service. Please do not use all caps.
This should contain a short paragraph about your training methods and techniques. Explain the things that make you stand out from other trainers.
This is very important and many clients choose a personal trainer based on their training philosophy. Be creative and complete. List your personal theories on personal training. What methods do you implore and believe in? Examples include weight training, cardio, nutrition, diet, yoga, pilates, meditation, stretching. How do you motivate clients? What motivates you? Sell yourself here and connect with your client. Let them know why you are the right trainer for their training needs.
List the type of classes you have attended or degrees you hold (ex. kinesiology, exercise physiology, sports nutrition, sport injury prevention, exercise for special populations, weight training techniques, fitness assessment, exercise leadership). List previous internships. Include skill sets and training experiences (ex. loss education, Physiology, Pilates, Yoga, Tai Chi, kettle bell training, stability balls, child/geriatric fitness, boot camp instructing, lifestyle management, sports conditioning, group fitness, and adaptive exercise for special populations).
Include organizations you belong to and formal training that has resulted in credits, diplomas or formal certifications (ex. ISSA, AFPA, NFPT,NESTA, NASM, AFPA).
*We offer two different kinds of subscriptions. Premium subscription members have their listings show up first. Promotional listings are listed below the paid listings but they have the added benefit of being part of our advertising network which requires that you give away one free one-on-one (or group) class to each new client that we send to you.
Disclaimer: By filling out this form you are giving the right to list your services and use your photograph on our website and promotional material related to
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