Owner, Lifestyle Coach

William Edwards
Modesto, California 95350 (within 10 miles)
Trains both men and women
  • Weight Loss
  • Rehabilitation
Training Locations
  • home
  • work
  • at a business site
  • ACSM Health Fitness Specialist ACE Lifestyle Weight Management Coach ACE Personal Trainer ACE Group Fitness Instructor

Personal Trainer Overview

We work with people who don't wish to train in a gym. We bring our equipment to your home or work site to train you and/or your staff using safe and effective proven techniques. We have contracted with the local community college, county school board, county welfare program and small businesses to provide weight loss and wellness programs. In addition we train clients in their homes to help them overcome physical difficulties resulting from illness, injury or the accumulative effective of aging poorly.

Training Philosophy

We believe that one needs to adjust their lifestyle to be able to cope with the changing world. In order to live well in your golden years you need to build the strength and muscle mass you will need to survive now. Your lean body mass is your health savings account. To maximize your savings account you must eat whole natural foods, exercise routinely and maintain a positive outlook on life. This is the triad of good health and well being. We can teach you how to survive well and face life with a smile.


Our complete listing of classes, seminars, conferences and other achedemic achievements are listed in our bios on our website. www.waedwards.net


I am an advanced cancer survivor. I had my first heart attack when I was 44. I have suffered through the systematic malardies of the Metabolic Syndrome including diverticulitis, acid reflux, and hemmoriods. I had quintuple coronary artery bypass surgery in the fall of 2010. Within six weeks I was back in the gym going full bore.

Prior to becoming a health fitness professional I worked for 25 years in a national nuclear weapons research laboratory as an instrumentation and controls engineer. My work was in primary high energy research. This career prepared me to understand the processes of the body and the techniques to analyze cause and effect. At age 68 I score in the excellent range for performance using the ACSM guidelines for testing. I have the strength and endurance of a young man and I can teach you how to achieve the same.

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