Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
In home or at a park near you.
Finding balance and love for our fitness and nutrition needs.
A healthy sustainable life style.
Having fun and getting stronger.
Loving our bodies and having the power to better them.
Training Philosophy
Enrichment Courses(Clark Community College)
Early childhood Development.
Most of my family has had a life long struggle with obesity, and the diseases that are related with it. So to say this is close to my heart is a understatement. It's not only about looking good, but feeling good too. This is not a job, it's a passion,a personal goal to help reach as many people as I can. We should love getting fit and eating foods that make our body feel great.
Although my marathon days are far and few In between. I love a long run here and there. The gym floor lifting , high intensity cardio, and strength training is where I really love to be. I always try to stay on top of all the optimal fitness training. I love a good challenge, setting personal goals for myself often. I enjoy hiking ,swimming ,canoeing all sports, and spending time with my family.
Along the way my goals and even training habits have changed. My passion and love for training has only gotten stronger. I try very hard to maintain with minimal effort. Keeping a balance in my life. I focus on eating food that is real, knowing there is only a small area for error. I love good food, cooking at home, and a desert once in a while.