At the core of the IFD mindset is this basic truth “the brain is a muscle too.”

Tuwan Jones
Brighton, Michigan 48116
Trains both men and women
  • Strength Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Mind-Body Wellness
Training Locations
  • home
  • gym
  • work
  • outdoors
  • Certified Personal Trainer (NASM) Food Nutrition Specialist (NASM) CPR/AED (NASM)

Personal Trainer Overview

Tuwan is the creator of Intelligent Fitness Design. His expertise includes fitness assessments, designing and implementing effective personalized workout programs, and applying the Optimum Performance Training Model to assist clients in accomplishing their desired fitness goals and athletic aspirations. Tuwan utilizes a process of programming and training that systematically progresses any client to any desired goal. He strongly believes that health, fitness, proper nutrition and an adroit mind are integral cornerstones to achieving success and freedom in other facets of our lives.

Training Philosophy

Intelligent Fitness Design is a unique training program that focuses on the basic truth that, “The brain is a muscle too.” Research shows that lifestyle choices can help keep your body and brain healthy. What we do to protect our hearts can also help your brain continue to operate at its best. Lifestyle changes that promote and enhance such things as physical health and exercise, cognitive activity, diet and nutrition, and social engagement as you age can lead to healthier, more active and productive years of life. It also advances the idea that cognitive activity through brain stimulation should be promoted in our lifestyle changes. Keeping the mind active forms new connections among brain cells. Cognitive activity encourages blood flow to the brain and mentally stimulating activities may possibly maintain or even improve cognition.

IFD is a forward-thinking fitness program that successfully combines, encourages, and enhances multiple activities that are linked to healthier more productive years of physical and cognitive activity as we age. IFD programs and techniques focus on sharpening and strengthening the brain and basic cognitive skills such as mental focus, memory, reasoning, and logic. This is accomplished by including brain games; progressing through word searches, Sudoku puzzles, memory cards, and other cognitive skill building games. These are incorporated at appropriate timed intervals within a progressive, physically challenging circuit training program that contains: balance training, strength training, power training, and other forms of training. The physical and cognitive health benefits from this unique approach to circuit training are favorable and positive and will prove to enhance not only our clients’ physical and cognitive fitness, but also their overall way of life.

As you set your fitness goals for the up-and-coming year(s), IFD challenges you to think outside of the box, activate your imagination, and elevate your workouts to a smarter level with Intelligent Fitness Design The Boot camp for Body & Brain, the fitness program where the brain is a muscle too.


Certificate of Health Care Foundations (WCC)

Creator of Intelligent Fitness Design (IFD)



Tuwan is the creator of Intelligent Fitness Design. His expertise includes fitness assessments, designing and implementing effective personalized workout programs, and applying the Optimum Performance Training Model to assist clients in accomplishing their desired fitness goals and athletic aspirations. Tuwan utilizes a process of programming and training that systematically progresses any client to any desired goal. He strongly believes that health, fitness, proper nutrition and an adroit mind are integral cornerstones to achieving success and freedom in other facets of our lives.

Certificate of Health Care Foundations (WCC)

Certified Personal Trainer (NASM)

Fitness Nutrition Specialist (NASM)

Creator of Intelligent Fitness Design (IFD)

“I believe that health, fitness, nutrition and an adroit mind are integral cornerstones to achieving success and freedom in other facets of our lives.”

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