Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor, Sports and Perfomance Specialist, Teen Fitness
Traci Cooper
Cortland, Ohio 44410
Trains both men and women
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
I will sit down with you and find out what your goals are so that together we can achieve them. I will take your body fat percentage, inches, weight, then we will work on reaching your goals together. I will put together an exercise prescription just for you and we will carry it out.
Training Philosophy
I train to each person individually. I have trained clients for triathlons, fitness competitions, cyclists, runners, teens training for their sport, elderly people for balance and stability, and many more. I believe that as a Trainer I am there to teach you to become and remain successful in living a healthy lifestyle. When you make an appointment with me, you make an appointment with fitness and it is harder to put it off when the accountability is there. I don't just encourage health and fitness, I live the lifestyle as well so I'm able to give better advise when it comes to ways to stay fit and healthy as well as sharing healthy tips and recipes to become successful. It is not so much about how great we look in our jeans as it is looking and feeling healthier, getting up in the morning and feeling refreshed, knowing that you are feeding your body things that it knows how to process.
Personal Trainer, ACSM, Healthways Certifcation to train older adults, Sports and Performance Training through ACE, Kickboxing, Yoga, Pilates, ACE, Group Cycle, Maddog Athletics, Nutrition for older adults, Healthways, Sports Nutrition, ACE, Sports strength and Conditioning, ACE.
My career began in Medina Ohio where I trained in three different gyms and taught many classes. I averaged 30 hours per week in Personal Training and 14 hours teaching classes. I have over 10,000 hours of Personal Training Experience and have journeyed with many clients throughout the years.