Specializing in Women's Fitness, Strength, Weight Management, Energy Booster
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
My job is to empower you so you have the right fitness tools you need to get then keep yourself strong, powerful, youthful and vibrant.
I work with clients one-on-one and always do a full analysis of physical strengths and weaknesses as well as an in-depth consultation on your goals before designing a program of workouts. That way you always get the perfect program for you - and I make sure it has the right amount of challenge as you progress with your fitness.
I usually work with women but have worked with several men as well. From beginners to advanced.
Training Philosophy
Form and technique are very important to me as is the ability of women to do strength training - free weights, kettle bells, body weight, machines.
Being active is the first step, anyone can do that. Knowing WHAT to do to achieve your goals and HOW to achieve balanced fitness is where I come in. Exercising intelligently, efficiently, safely and correctly
Combat Kettle-Jitsu Certified Coach
NSCA Strength and Conditioning workshops
Heartsaver CPR AED
We want you to be one of those who get biologically younger even as they get chronologically older. Staying young, staying strong.