Better Mind, Better Body! Semi - Private Group Training & FitRanx Training

Todd Leyte
Trains both men and women
  • Strength Building
  • Body Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Body Sculpting
  • FitRanX
Training Locations
  • home
  • studio
  • work
  • outdoors
  • NASM
  • TRX
  • PTS
  • PFS
  • NWS

Personal Trainer Overview

PT-on-the-GO operates Semi-Private Group, Indoor, and Outdoor Training Programs designed for Beginners, Immediate, and Advanced clients.

Specialize: Weight Loss, Fat Loss Expert, Boot Camps, Corporate Training, Turbulence Training, Body Weight only and FitRanX.

Exercise must be fun, which in turn helps clients motivate themselves, and the end result equals a better “Quality of Life”

Training Philosophy

" To Change Your BODY, You First Must Change Your MIND '

At PT-on-the-GO, our personal training philosophy goes beyond simply going through the motions and counting reps. It is about making a decision to change your life and taking the necessary steps to make it happen. We take a whole body approach so that our clients will see and feel the personal training benefits. With motivation, dedication and education you can do it and we can help!

Changing your life is a journey and we will be there to support you, motivate you and make sure you enjoy every step along the way.

Are you ready to start living your life stronger, healthier and happier? It is time to change and the time is now.


Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology 2007 (UNB)

University of New Brunswick

- Exercise Physiology

- Sports Nutrition

- Fitness Assessments

- Boot Camp Instructor Certification

- Kettle-bell Training

- Resistance Training

- Pre & Post Natal


As a Body Transformation Expert, Todd provides leadership skills required for the promotion of healthy and physically active lifestyles with a focus on counseling in physical fitness, nutritional awareness, and health oriented self-discipline. He exercises to maintain health and vitality throughout life. He keeps his exercise routine well rounded by combining strength training, cardiovascular conditioning, and flexibility training into workouts.

"Exercise must be fun, which in turn helps clients motivate themselves, and the end result equals a better “Quality of Life”

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