Taylor Empey - Salt Lake City Certified Personal Trainer
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
Visit http://taylorempey.com for more information. In-Person and Online Personal Training options available!
Certified Specialist In Fitness Nutrition (SFN) - ISSA
Certified Specialist in Exercise Therapy (SET) - ISSA
Certified Specialist in Strength and Conditioning (SCC) - ISSA
Certified Elite Trainer Level I - ISSA
Certified Professional Life Coach (CPC) -FWI
Certified Group Fitness Instructor - LesMills
Max Muscle Preferred Trainer
Featured Athlete/Trainer/Fitness Model
Certified 1st Degree Black Belt - Tae Kwon Do
In 2010 Taylor began researching resistance training, flexibility training, agility training, nutrition, supplementation, cardiovascular training, and other aspects of fitness. He then realized that he could become an even better athlete if he either hired a personal trainer, or acquired the same knowledge and skills of a personal trainer. He chose the latter, and became deeply involved in his studies to understand the body and fitness training.
His desire started out as a means to develop himself, but he later found a deep passion for health and fitness and decided to pursue it as a career to go on to help others. Taylor believes because health and fitness was the catalyst to his own personal transformation and saved him from an unhealthy lifestyle, he is eager to help you do the same. Taylor seeks out those individuals who are ready to make a significant change in their lives. He works with individuals who are ready to transform. He has helped individuals who have battled Parkinson’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, anorexia nervosa, anorexia athletica, bulimia, COPD, PCOS and other hormone disorders, menopause, and depression. He truly believes that if an individual is ready, they can create the best and most fulfilling life for themselves using health and fitness training as the catalyst.
Taylor is now a Certified as a Fitness Trainer, Specialist in Fitness Nutrition, Specialist in Exercise Therapist, Professional Life Coach, Group Fitness Instructor, CPR/AED, 1st Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo, and a featured fitness expert, model, and athlete.
Taylor has been featured on MaxMuscle.com, HealthWarrior.com, and has also featured on local news stations including Utah’s The Younger You television series, ABC4, CW30, KSL5, as well as in Salt Lake Magazine as a prominent fitness expert in the local Salt Lake City community.