High intense training for beginners or advanced.

Steve Scherer
Ventura, California 93003 (within 30 miles)
Trains both men and women
  • Strength Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Kick Boxing
  • Conditioning
Training Locations
  • home
  • work
  • outdoors
  • ISSA graduate.

Personal Trainer Overview

I believe in a truly customized program. To sit in an office and come up with a cookie-cutter system that can work for the masses is just not plausible. We all have individual factors that cause us to excel in some areas and hinder our progress in others. These need to be addressed on an indiviual basis.

Training Philosophy

I do not belive in limiting anyone. Whatever your current circumstances are, you can achieve what you dream. I encourage my clients to find their natural movement. I believe machines are a hinderance to fitness and performance as well as isolated exercise. I stress Functional Strength and Functional Fitness that can meet any challenge, not just the exercise you are training for. Isolation limits you to only that specific exercise in that specific movement. Functional training builds strength and conditioning for numerous movements and numerous challenges.


I recieved my certificat from the ISSA for Personal Training. I continue to educate myself by studing proven authors and researchers from around the globe. I try numerous programs myself and use what I have learned to evaluate the strengths of these programs and incoporate them into my training philosophies.


I started my fitness journey like most picking up Arnold Schwarzenegger's Encylopedia of Body Building. I found Body Building to not be what I expected. In truth it hindered my athletic performence. I "made the switch" to more of a combat athelte style of training. This style of training sutied me far better. Every aspect of fitness shoot through the roof, Strength, Conditioning, Body Composition, Stamina, etc. I found a Functional Strength approach to give me the ability to tackle numerous strength challenges instead of just the specific one I was training for, like a Bench Press in bodybuilding would only train you for that movement. As well as functional conidtioning to take on any aerobic or anaerobic challenge.

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