Achieve You Fitness Goals with Author and Personal Trainer Steve Costello, ACE CPT
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
Get the utmost synergy when you combine the manual for fitness and weight loss - "The Fitness Quadrant" and the author and ACE CPT Trainer Steve Costello together to provide the ultimate environment for fitness success. Follow the program in the Fitness Quadrant by the author himself as he leads you through the exercises and concepts in your Personal Fitness session. Then "take the author home with you" as you follow the program and concepts in the book. Let the supportive eating plan work for you as you read the chapter on Eating and then work out your individual eating plan - and if you need help - Steve will supply the support personally!
Training Philosophy
Using the unique system of “Choose Your Path”, you choose to follow either a very simple plan, or a very detailed calculated plan. So, depending upon your personality, patience and fitness level, this system and book is for you!
Many of us want to have healthy and lasting weight loss - That means ONLY losing the body fat and adding lean muscle because muscle is where the fat is burned (and for many of you getting BACK the lean muscle you had when you were young and in good shape).
Steve has been a Personal Trainer since 1996. In the late 90's he became a top trainer for Workout World and was the Director Of Personal Training for World Gym. Since then has been self employed for many years specializing in weight loss and training seniors.