Outdoor Fat Burning Boot Camp
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
Our outdoor, fat loss workouts are designed to tighten your tummy, tone your arms, and firm your legs.
Training Philosophy
You'll learn how to lose fat properly, and how to keep it off.
I created this boot camp because I wanted to share a more "down to earth" way of exercising. I didn't like the military style of other boot camps, with loud and obnoxious trainers in muscle shirts who are more concerned with how they look, rather than your goals
For over 15 years, Stephen has been helping clients lose fat and live optimally through his creative and challenging fitness programs.
He draws on his experience and passion for fitness to coach others to lose fat and re-energize their lives. He often conducts one day seminars at his local community college, and he has been quoted in national magazines such as, Woman's Day and Shape.
Stephen is currently leading outdoor fitness boot camps in Altadena,CA, and also training a limited number of one on one clients in the Pasadena area.