Houston Fitness Trainer

Sidney Carter
Houston, Texas 77095 (within 30 miles)
Trains both men and women
  • Strength Building
  • Body Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Rehabilitation
  • Kick Boxing
  • Body Sculpting
  • Boxing
Training Locations
  • home
  • gym
  • studio
  • work
  • outdoors
  • Online Service and Phone Service
  • ISSA-International Sports Sciences Association:Fitness Trainer Sports Nutrition Certificate Aed and Cpr Certificate

Personal Trainer Overview

My objective is to make sure clients succeed and achieve their goals. Based on my skills and qualifications I am confident that I can help you achieve your goal. This is a great opportunity for you to lose body fat, feel stronger, get motivated, gain muscle, have more energy, enhance fllexibility, increase self-esteem, and live healthier life.

Training Philosophy

My philosphy in training is to love your workout and love yourself find what make you happy and have confident that you can achieve your goal. Two major factor in my training program is setting a goal and inspiration. What is your goal. Make a impact in your life. Setting a goal is one big step when you start your training program. I encourage you to always think positive not negative. I encourage you to dig in deep and challenge yourself. Find what motivator you in life.


I'm certified by the International Sports Sciences Association as a certified Fitness Trainer. This certification is the most prestigious in the industry and qualifies me to work with virtually any individual wishing to improve their fitness.I obtain Associate Degree in Exercise Science. I studied, anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, biomechanics, physical fitness, program development, nutrition, injury, and disease. I also, obtain aed and cpr certificate from red cross and heart association. I spend years in public health clubs, gyms, and seminars, learning from fitness professionals.


My name Sidney Carter.I was born in Houston,TX.I'm current living in Houston.I'd like to tell you bit about myself. I devoted my life to fitness. Helping clients to achieve their goals. My clients always tell me that i'm always energetic. And with that energy that give them that extra push they need. One of my greatest assets in life that I have the ability to motivate and inspire people.

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