Coach/Contest Preparation Specialist/Profesional fitness trainer

Serge Rurik
North Miami Beach, Florida 33160
Trains both men and women
  • Strength Building
  • Body Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Body Sculpting
Training Locations
  • gym
  • I.S.S.A Certified.

Personal Trainer Overview

I'm Coach-Profesional fitness trainer, Pro Bodybuilder with 20 years experience. I have profound knowledge of training, supplements and nutrition programs. From the University of California to the most hardcore gyms in America and Europe, I've devoted my entire career to experimentation on the science of muscle building. I'm giving you all that knowledge and experience in one science-based program. Whether you want to burn fat, build muscle, gain strength, or completely transform your physique, I'll have a complete fitness plan for you. These programs include custom daily workouts plan,custom meal plan, custom supplement plan, and more. I'm training at Power House Gym where stars are born . I'm training professionals and amateurs. Looking forward to helping everyone who is willing to give me their best.

Training Philosophy

Learning new things is always good, and chances are a trainer expert can teach you a lot that you can cary into your training for years to come. Whatever you do, don't settle for some skinny-fat trainer who got his certification online for 40 bucks! You get what you pay for,though. A specialist coach can save you a lot of time, and help you reach your goals so much faster.


UCLA Master Exercise Science degree.

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