Sam Y. Personal Training - Personal trainer, Fitness, Weight Loss, Diet, Martial Arts
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
Weight Loss and Diet,
Corrective Exercises,
Sports Performance Training,
Strength and Conditioning,
Martial Arts: MMA, BJJ, Grappling, Boxing, Kickboxing, Self Defense,
Sports Therapy,
NASM OPT Model Periodized Training,
Stretching and Breathing,
Nutrition, Supplements, and Wellness
Training Philosophy
We need to train in phases, to always challenge ourselves, peak and not plateau, and to optimize safety. There doesn't need to be any cheerleading to motivate athletes, athletes get motivated through education. There is no one thing that will get you fit. It has to be a combination of cardiovascular/cardiorespiratory training, strength training, balance, core, injury prevention, stretching, diet, and wellness. I also believe people need a goal and a target objective, we all hate deadlines because it makes us work!
It's not about how long you train, or how many repetitions or exercises we do. The US typically trains less hours than a lot of countries in most sports, yet we win because we don't care about how long, we care about how hard and spending our energy only on the things that show results.
Fitness and athletics have always been a part of my life, and my greatest fascination is how to take ordinary athletes and get them to do extraordinary results. Through all my athletic training, competition, and martial arts I understand now what it takes.