Personal Training
Samantha Thaxton
Novato, California 94947 (within 10 miles)
Trains both men and women
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
Personal training for all levels.
Strength Training
Weight Loss
Performance Training
Weight Lifting
Kettlebell Training
Power Lifting
Nutrition Coaching
Training Philosophy
Enjoy daily movement with fun, socially distanced, and safe personal training sessions!
Your personalized training plans and sessions are centered around your goals and current abilities.
I also offer nutrition coaching with my clients because a healthy relationship with food and our bodies is an essential activity.
I'm almost done with my second degree in health, fitness and nutrition. I'll be transferring for my Bachelors and RD License and then going to Grad School.
I've been a full time coach and trainer for the last 3 years and constantly pursuing further education.
My goal is to have my own private practice for health, fitness, and nutrition!
I lost over 100lbs 7 years ago and found my passion. I'm dedicated to become a better coach and trainer every single day to change as many lives as possible.
I specialize in working with similar individuals who feel overwhelmed to start getting fitter or struggle with their relationship with food.