Main Line Certified Power Plate Trainer

Renee Gant
Ardmore, Pennsylvania 19003 (within 5 miles)
Trains female only
  • Strength Building
  • Body Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Rehabilitation
  • Pilates
  • Aerobics
  • Spin
  • Body Sculpting
  • Power Plate Certified
Training Locations
  • home
  • gym
  • studio
  • work
  • outdoors
  • I.D.E.A.
  • A.AI./ ISMA
  • Personal Trainer certifications. Cerified by the University of Pennsylvania in Applied Clinical Nutrition. Madd Dog Spinning certification.

Personal Trainer Overview

Renee turns any room into a great place to get fit! Her favorite piece of equipment is the Power Plate due to it's muscle recruitment and proven results in increasing bone density as well as it being rehab for M.S., arthritis, metabolic syndrome and other conditions.

Utilizing more individualized intensity and angles than your average machine Renee safely targets your muscles. Variety is the spice of life so Renee varies all the best training methods into just the right blend for you. Renee has designed Power Plate programs along with a doctor and physical therapist and is certified by Power Plate to do in-home training.

Training Philosophy

Like the experts, I believe that manual resistance is the safest, best form of training and she loves to incorporate the Power Plate so that eventually her trainees may be able to work out on there own. When you're in - home, relaxed and focused then you will get major results by making fitness a way of life. Unlike the gym, you won't be getting in and out of machines so you get a better cardio workout and you can do some active stretching too. More importantly, I make sure that through every rep that the positioning is safer for you. Pilates is great for trunk stabilization and strong abs so each session includes one Pilates move. Of course the R.D, is the best one to talk to about nutrition. However the subject of health and how food is related is a favorite of mine so I stay educated about it. I am a people person so you're gonna know that I am there with you, getting you through every rep and everything else that I can be motivating for.


Certified in Applied Clinical Nutrition at the University of Pennsylvania. I.D.E.A Personal Trainer and Group Fitness certifications, Step masterclasses. A.F.F.A. Stability Ball, Sports Injury Prevention, Weight Training For Special Population Workshops. Madd Dog spinning workshops and certifications. 3 years of education and work experience in Exercise Choreography and Weight Training at Elaine Powers. Understudy and work experience in dance, weight training, H.I.T., manual resistance methods and Pilates at London Workout., Fitness Factory in the Main Line Health and Fitness and various personal training studios for a combined total of 20 years.


While attending the University of Pennsylvania , Renee was recruited by the Fitness Factory. She later created programs for the Renfrew Center, American College and the Main Line Heath & Fitness. While at M.L.H.&F. she developed the popular abs-n arms, H.I.T. , and the Bodyworks on the Ball classes. She later worked with Dr Harvey Michner at the Keizen Wellness Center in FL. developing Power Plate programs for his patients and the local golf pros. After that she worked as the lead Power Plate Trainer at A.F.C. Fitness in Bala PA and also trained patients for Dr. Paul Quinn at the Wellness Quest in Ardmore PA.Soon her in - home clients noticed that when Renee entered any room, it was transformed into a motivating workout facility . Renee discovered along the way how to get more results in less time and no injuries. Plus she loves bringing the best workout to people for less money. Today Renee is taking the Main Line by storm with results.

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