Exceptional custom personal training and sports performance programs
Rebecca Foss
Land O Lakes, Florida 34638
Trains both men and women
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
Comprehensive medical history, fitness assessment and functional movement screens. Custom strength, conditioning & sports performance programs combined with the very latest in metabolic conditioning, pre-hab, stability & mobility and recovery methods.
Training Philosophy
Everyone should train like an athlete. A comprehensive, custom program includes addressing mobility & stability issues, resistance training, cardiorespiratory conditioning, myofascial release, range-of-motion and more.
Bachelor of Science/ multiple sport-specific programs, people with disabilities,seniors, youth, group fitness including boot camps. Kettle bell, rope, sandbag, sled work- you name it!
Standout multiple-sport high school and collegiate zcholarship athlete. 10 years experience.
Enter the Fitness Asylum to get crazy fit!