Best Los Angeles Personal Trainer and Best Santa Monica personal trainer for weight loss, nutrition, and Bikini & Fitness contest prep.
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
My programs are results oriented, designed to reshape your body and create the body you've always wanted. My website and Yelp photos are all un-retouched before and after pictures of some of my clients. See how quickly they were able to effectively reach their goals.
If you're looking for the best personal trainer in Los Angeles to provide extreme Weigh Loss, Nutrition, Fitness and Bikini contest prep, or to be Fit over Fifty, or for general fitness training then you've come to the right place. Or if you're looking for the best personal trainer in Santa Monica then call or send an email to schedule an assessment consult.
Training Philosophy
Goal oriented science based training is the only way to achieve any real long term changes in the human body. To achieve the most dramatic results possible, I first perform a nutritional evaluation, followed with a detailed nutritional plan to correct any imbalances that may interfere with your goals. After which, based upon your specific goal, I synergistically integrate several modalities of exercise - including functional weight training, kettlebell movements, kickboxing, core stability and plyometrics - as well as cardiovascular exercise to achieve the most amazing results possible.
You will loose massive amounts of body-fat, gain functional mobility, get a six pack, have a bikini model body, increase muscle mass, and even reverse the signs of aging if you follow my program. You will be amazed at the results.
Most of my clients dramatically transform their bodies in as little as 7 to 12 weeks! Check out my Clients un-retouched before and after photos on my website.
- Former 5 time state heavyweight champion bodybuilder.
- Currently an NPC National Physique competitor.
- Over twenty years experience in various styles of martial arts including Muay Thai, Aikido, Boxing, kali, and Wing Chun.
- Published in Men's Fitness magazine, and my work-out methods have been featured in Experience Life magazine, Physical magazine, and also Men's Fitness magazine.
- Over 30 years experience as a personal trainer successfully helping others achieve their goals.