Personal Coach

Paul Toney
Richmond, Indiana 47374 (within 30 miles)
Trains both men and women
  • Strength Building
  • P90X, Insanity
Training Locations
  • home
  • gym
  • work
  • Currently working on Certification

Personal Trainer Overview

Training methods is setting up a program that will fit the clients desired results. I have trained using programs such as P90X and Insanity.

Training Philosophy

Personal Training is a lifestyle and thats been my philosophy. I promote creating a lifestyle change that will not just be a resolution.

Motivation gets you started. Habit keeps you going.

I include weight lifting, programs that can be used with or without weights.

I motivate my clients through training at their pace and push them along the way as we do the workouts together.

I am the right trainer because I was and still am where most are at getting that motivation to get over the hump of making it a habit. I bring passion and joy to the workouts to make it energetic not so boring.




Weight Lifting



I am just another guy that is making lifestyle change to be fit, My family had a scare recently with my dad that has put our entire family on a journey of changes, I am working to get back to where I once was and using the story to reach others who just need someone to push them forward in reaching their goals.

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