get your "Butt" into gear with fit'N'up Personal Training

Paul Joseph
United Kingdom
Trains both men and women
  • Strength Building
  • Body Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Rehabilitation
  • Body Sculpting
  • Girevoy Kettlebells
Training Locations
  • home
  • work
  • outdoors
  • Diploma in Fitness training and Sports Therapy Masters Diploma in Personal Training Diploma in Sports Therapy IIHHT Diploma in Health and Fitness Studies IIHHT Diploma in Sports Therapy ACSM Cerified Personal Trainer ACSM Certified Health and Fitness Specialist First Aid Certificate Fully Insured

Personal Trainer Overview

One toone personal training at a time and place to suit you, home, office , park or gym (with permission). Athlete or general public we can train you to reach the goals and targets you desire

Training Philosophy

I am a target based trainer, if you have a target or goal i can help you achive it correctly, quickly and safely


As a competetive strongman and highland games competitor i have trained with many world class strongman and highland games competitors and i have learned from all ov them.

As i have a keen interest in all aspects of fitness and wellness i have attended various seminars in all areas of fitness, including Biomechnics, body movement, strength and conditioning


Paul Gained his Diploma in Fitness training and Sports Therapy and a Masters Diploma in Personal Training from Premier Training & Development back in 1999

This qualified him to train, instruct and treat as wide a range of clientele as possible, building a large client base with his company "first 4 fitness", in 2002 Paul moved to Portugal where again he built a substantial Personal Training Portfollio (fit N up personal training) before opening a specialist gym there "New Spartan Gym".

In February 2010 Paul re located back to the uk and formed "SPARTAfit Personal training" a Personal Training company at a Gym with a difference New Spartan Gym until 2014 and then Unit 5 Gym until 2016 Both in Watford. In 2016 due to enforced re location Paul has started visiting clients at their homes or the park or place of work and of course at your gym if they allow.

Paul has spent most of his life involved in sports of one type or another, from the normal squash, badminton and swimming at school, representing his county, to triathlons and mountain biking and a keen interest in the martial arts, attaining a black belt in aikido, in recent years Paul has been studying more of the "Old School" methods of fitness and strength training, competing regularly in Strongman Competitions (Recently at Masters Level) and Highland Games Competitions

If you want to get fit and strong for a specific sport or just want to lose a bit of weight and tone up or if you have an injury or muscle damage then Pauls specialist training methods will get you where you want to be fast and efficeintly.

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