Pain management; Postural Correction; Corrective exercise; Personal Training
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
We don't just 'count reps', we design programs to meet your goals, evaluate your progress on a regular basis and change your routine so you don't plateau or get bored. In addition to being certified, insured and very experienced, our trainers don't take phone calls or allow their focus to be taken away from their number one priority - YOU.
And, while we all abide by the same scientific guidelines, each trainer uses their own life experience and personality to fine tune your session. Try one of our fitness services today.
Many people pay thousands of dollars a month for their mortgage and car yet still have trouble seeing the value in working out. Working out can extend your life and confidence, reduce pain, anxiety and stress while making you more pleasant to be around.
'No-pain-no-gain' is ridiculous... come in and you will feel invigorated and energized. From our on-line programs to small-group training and even one-on-one sessions we have services to fit every budget- there is no one we cannot help to become healthier. - See more at:
Training Philosophy
If you like having a support group then this is for you. On the mornings when you don't want to get out of bed to workout, you will because you don't want to let your group down. Otherwise, it's too easy to hit the snooze button and go back to sleep -- it happens every day to millions of people intending to get serious about their health.
Athletes need coaches to teach, motivate and inspire. With the right coach you will be held accountable so that you stay consistent and get better results.
Space is limited! Small groups are superior to classes because the trainer is able to give everyone personal attention so form is improved, injuries are reduced and you learn to do the exercise properly. Come to where the body and the moment connect- Mike George Fitness System©. - See more at:
Education: BA University at Buffalo Certification: ACE (1996)
The companies founded have provided over 150,000 fitness sessions that focus on the safe application of scientific programs designed to facilitate long term success with minimal injury. Without one complaint, major injury or lawsuit Mike George’s companies clearly operate in a manner that puts client safety first. Having helped thousands of patients lose tens-of-thousands of pounds through teaching the joy of movement combined with healthy eating , Mike George Fitness System is one of the most experienced providers of individualized services in the country.
Business History and Partnerships:
Over 150,000 hours of dedicated service provided in Chicago.
Fitness expert for Chicago Scene magazine; contributed health related articles geared towards the demographic of 25-35yrs old.
Selected as head trainer for NBC’s reality show “Starting Over”.
Exclusive provider of in-home orientations and training programs for Life-Fitness.
Designed and opened facility at the Italian center in Chicago.
Contractual provider of weight-loss services for 100+locations of Accelerated Rehabilitation Systems.
Currently consulting the Hispanic Housing Development Corporation on the development of their wellness program.
Exclusive provider of medical weight-loss services and management at Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, recently named one of the nation’s Top 10 healthcare companies.
Software: Designed, developed and implemented a proprietary internet based, licensable patient/clinician tracking system. Recently licensed to AIMMC.
National Media Coverage: NBC, CBS, WGN, the Wall Street journal, The New York Times
Local Media Coverage: Craine’s Chicago Business, The Chicago Tribune, The Sun Times, CLTV, 190North
Mike George Fitness System/ CWLS
September 1995 – Present (17 years 9 months)