Training plus Nutrition is the key to unlock any goal!
Michael Holland
San Pedro, California 90731 (within 30 miles)
Trains both men and women
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
You are unique, and we get that at Time For Change Fitness. Fitness is not a "one size fits all" arena. We use TRAINING and NUTRITION to propel you toward being the healthiest you possible. TFCF is a family of people who want to be healthy; and who want to see you healthy. Join us for workouts and fun group activities.
Training Philosophy
At Time For Change Fitness, we believe that Total Health and Wellness stands on 3 legs: Physical health, Emotional Health, and Spiritual health. We also believe that, to some extent, the 3 cannot be separated. Goals are very important for success, and at Time For Change Fitness, we aid our clients in setting both short term and long term goals. Because NUTRITION is as important to your goal as TRAINING, it is vital that both your NUTRITION and TRAINING goals are working together. At Time For Change Fitness, our clients don't just sweat - they become educated. Most goals include lifestyle change, and CHANGE is our middle name.
Bachelor's of Science in Nutrition, Nutritional Analysis and Assessment, Nutrition Planning and Management, Nutrition for Special Populations, Vitamins, Herbs, and Nutritional Supplements, Sports Nutrition, Nutritional Counseling, B.I.M. Physical Therapy LLC, rehabilitation training, weight loss specialist, sports conditioning, jump training, group class instructor, FitRanx coach, volleyball coach, life alteration mentoring.
I started my career in the fitness industry as a high school/private volleyball coach practicing sport specific-training. In 2008, I decided to expand my area of expertise to highlight weight loss and injury rehabilitation. Before establishing Time for Change Fitness, I worked as a Personal Trainer for both 24 Hr Fitness (Torrance, CA) and Gold’s Gym (Seattle, WA), specializing in weight loss, injury recovery, aquatic rehabilitation, strength training, and nutrition. I was also the Exercise and Nutritional Expert for a physical therapy office. I am a Nationally Certified Trainer and hold a Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition Science. I am currently earning a Master's Degree in Nutrition and Exercise.