Online Fitness Coach

Matthew Shiver
Durham, North Carolina 27703
Trains both men and women
  • Strength Building
  • Body Building
  • Weight Loss
Training Locations
    • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist - National Strength and Conditioning Specialist

    Personal Trainer Overview

    Making this lifestyle change is not going to be easy. In fact, it my be the most difficult obstacle you will ever face. That being said, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and you will definitely be stronger after this experience. We will be with you every step of the way and will get you the results that you have always wanted.

    I am offering online coaching to assist other people out there who want to learn about the power of exercise and nutrition. I want others to experience that joy that I have with my fitness journey. I want others to be able to get the most out of their bodies while they are on this earth. I want them to learn how to use exercise and nutrition to live a happier, healthier, and better life. Most importantly, I want my clients to be PROUD of their bodies.

    Training Philosophy

    I use the latest research to help our clients get stronger, look better, improve their athletic performance, and streamline their diet. We will implement mobility training, strength training, hypertrophy training, and short anaerobic exercise work in one workout.


    Graduated from Appalachian State with Exercise Science and minor in Nutrition

    Duke Physical Therapy Student


    Fitness has been my outlet for expressing myself since I was 14 years old. I remember working out in my neighbors garage for the first time with a rusted barbell and plastic weights. We had no idea what we were doing, but we were having FUN. From this young age, you could say that I was bit by the fitness bug. I wanted to know everything there was to know about this activity that made me feel GREAT. This drive for knowledge led me to spend countless hours doing research when I was not training. I submerged myself into every fitness article and database that I could get my hands on. This love for learning led me into pursuing a career in the health and wellness field.

    I studied Exercise Science and Nutrition at Appalachian State University. I also got involved with research in my department and the different fitness communities of Boone, NC. I learned so much in and outside the classroom. Everyday I was excited to have the opportunity to learn more about the subject that I loved so much.

    During this time, I trained at a Crossfit gym for two full years. This gave me experience in olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, basic gymnastic movements, calisthenics, anaerobic training, aerobic training, and mobility training. After these two years of Crossfit training, I developed a passion for strength sports. I created Appalachian's Olympic Weightlifting club and directed two local weightlifting meets for the Appalachian community. I trained competitively for Olympic weightlifting for another 2 years. During this time I learned the importance of technique, mobility, and how to get STRONG.

    After graduating Appalachian, I decided to try a new strength sport. For 16 weeks I prepared for my first NPC bodybuilding show, the Max Muscle Classic of Virginia. During these 16 weeks I lost a total of 40lbs! It was quite the humbling experience. My relationship with food, exercise, and reality were all tested. I learned how to manipulate my food intake to give the physique I always dreamed of having.

    As you can tell, my training experiences have been very broad. My current training programs use techniques from all the different sports I have experience in. They are constantly evolving with research and results that I am coming across.

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