Personal Training and Postural Alignment Therapy

Lisa Decker
Campbell, California 95008 (within 30 miles)
Trains both men and women
  • Strength Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Rehabilitation
  • Body Sculpting
  • Postural Alignment
Training Locations
  • home
  • gym
  • Postural Alignment Specialist certified through Egoscue University Corrective Exercise Specialist certified through NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist certified through NASM Certified Personal Trainer through NASM Sports Performance Nutritionist through ISSA

Personal Trainer Overview

Corrective based exercise and postural alignment therapy utilizing a variety of modalities such as Pilates, Yoga, Egoscue, and NASM's corrective exercise protocol. Race/run coaching and programming. Strength training and interval training for weight loss with speed, agility and quickness (SAQ) and reactive training programs as well training programs utillizing kettlebells, dumbbells and plyometrics for strength gains and weight loss.

Training Philosophy

With a masters degree in Human Movement and as a postural alignment specialist certified through Egosucue University, each program I create is customized with a holistic view of the body. Whether it's a corrective exercise or performance enhancement training protocol, each program is composed to maintain proper alignment and optimal muscular function in order to enjoy a pain free & active lifestyle. Once this foundation is in place, we can strengthen upon a stable frame, and strengthen optimal alignment and biomechanics, rather than reinforcing muscular imbalances


MS Human Movement (ATSU 2012)

BS Psychology (Santa Clara University 1992)


Lisa is a Boston Marathon qualifier and a member of the USATF Quicksilver ultra running club. She completed four 50K races in 2012 and is currently training for her first 50 mile ultra marathon. She is passionate about postural alignment, running, and the biomechanics associated with the sport. Lisa has also taken seminars with Danny Dreyer in Chi Running.

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