Dragon Gate qigong

Liam Palmer
United Kingdom
Trains both men and women
  • Qigong
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  • The nature of this field does not require certificates.

Personal Trainer Overview

Qigong is a training method which helps one strengthen and gain control over their own life-force, or qi. It is an ancient system of knowledge and processes that originated in China more than seven thousand years ago. Since antiquity, those who practiced qigong have sought to understand the laws that regulate life, nature and change. Humans are constituent parts of the ever changing universe, and qigong practice helps individuals to develop and enhance this connection.

The Dragon gate qigong inner work cultivates both essence and life. Essence exercises cultivate the spirit, soul, will, awareness, tranquillity and stability. Life exercises cultivate the energy, blood, vitality, sinews, bones and skin. The methods of cultivation include both motion and stillness and are comprised of three sets of exercises. Exercises done in quiet sitting, external moving equilibrium exercises and sleeping exercises practiced at leisure.


12 Years experience as a student of some of the most respected Masters in the field of meditation and qigong. Including Dr Yang Jwing Ming one of the most sought after masters in the U.S and one of China's national treasures Master Wang Liping.

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