Get Your LA Body
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Personal Trainer Overview
Seeing a male client of mine go from an out of shape 135 lbs at a height of 5ft 2in. and barely being able to perform 7 chin-ups to a lean muscular 110lbs. and now able to complete 25 chin-ups. i am currently now working with him on a more muscle building program where we will now start adding more muscle to his frame by adjusting his calories and training method. first we had to eliminate the spare tire around his waist line and simultaneously condition his muscles before we could add calories for packing on muscle. I mention this particular client because he had tried a couple other trainers over the years and was never satisfied with the results. i explained to him my training formula and I also worked around his already established way of eating. Because of his ethnicity it took designing a nutritional program that would work for his lifestyle and still get the results he desired. the point is, when working with different clients their is no cookie cutter program. Each person is different and requires making the necessary adjustments to acquire the results desired. I also mention this client because he never thought he could get the body he wanted. He never thought he could get abs. He never thought he could see significant strength gains. However we where able to destroy all of those dis beliefs and even though the process still continues. If someone is willing to follow the guidelines set before them. It does not require eating tuna and water and running five miles with a hundred pounds on your back a day. However it does require some adjustments and focus. The results are very much so attainable.