Rapid Results Personal Trainig
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Personal Trainer Overview
Training Philosophy
I was diagnosed in my early twenties with severe Hyperthyroidism with Graves disease. I also had Osteopenia in my spine. Having also later endured two hernia surgeries and a C-section birth due to a high risk pregnancy and then later being diagnosed with severe reflux disease and a second auto immune disorder which afflicted my joints, I DEFINITELY understand the value of your health!
IT was while fighting hyperthyroidism and ending up at 98 lbs in a hospital bed that led me to begin my search for good health. Growing up I though skinny was healthy but I soon realized that skinny was scary not healthy and that being healthy meant being PHYSICALLY FIT, and that can't be done with diet and cardio alone! It requires weight training, cross training, core strength and an overall fitness program!
I was able to beat the odds and overcome ALL of my health problems with my fitness program! And the best part is that I ended up getting a very fit and muscular body and looking better than I ever had!I decided I wanted to give up my career in sales and marketing and pursue a lifetime career as a fitness trainer and make it my goal to change as many peoples lives as I could!