Functional Smart Training
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Personal Trainer Overview
Always striving to improve technique for myself and others
Training Philosophy
"Strength first, and everything else will follow."
I provide the knowledge needed to grow and get nothing but gains in your goals with no setbacks. There is always room for improvement
HKC (Hardstyle Kettlebell Cert) Future RKC Cert
2nd Degree Black Sash Instructor - Lohan School of Shaolin -
My Journey began in my youth, watching the original Karate Kid movie that planted this seed. From there I sought out to learn martial arts. Quickly after enrolling at the age of four I found Karate wasn't what I was really looking for, there was something more.
I was always a decently active child, with a balanced love for Computers and everything electronics. Even at my young age, I always took small pride in my physical abilities, on what Calisthenics that I could do and sprint like the wind. Never had a coach or anyone to look up to in this field of activity. So I was on my own, when came to basic Calisthenics, but always took great pride in being able to do more pull-ups and push-ups than my friends. While still having an enclosed humbling approach and still getting plenty of Computer Geek activity in.
Even in my teens I stayed active with walking everywhere or biking around. Doing plenty of gaming and computers to help occupy my time. I thought to seek out Martial arts again, but nothing interested me in the area. It was all Karate Dojo's, my spirit was seeking something more.
I took up Weight Lifting in my Junior and Senior years of high School. Since at the time I felt lifting iron was the better method of getting stronger and really impressing, the Ladies and friends.
The time now is 2000 and a good friend introduced me to the Lohan School of Shaolin. We were at a party (Kick Back), when he sold me instantly on what was going on at the facility. So I to checked it out myself. After showing up, you could tell it was a serious place for training. I was mystified at the movements they performed. I was trembling with excitement and nervousness while there. It hit me.... this is what I was looking for at age of 17. Then there was the man behind it all, Sigung Steve Baugh, which mind you is Native American / Mexican decent and obviously not Chinese. He has a love and deeper connection to the arts and culture, than most will ever know.
From there I joined the School/Temple and have fallen in love ever since. It definitely filled a void, a missing link to a puzzle that was not finished. Through the practices of Northern Shaolin, Tai Chi Plum Flower Praying Mantis, and Chinese Lion dancing. Then it lead me to see the total fitness needed to execute the art, a real applied Mind, Body, and Spirit experience. Since my teacher was also an ordained Zen (Ch'an) Buddhist Priest of Hsu Yun Temple. He inspired me to become initiated to the Lohan order of Zen (Ch'an) Buddhism. I Accepted the Dharma name Fa Néng which means skilled and able. The journey there lead to many doors.
As of this time I have won many honors of performing the Martial Arts for schools, festivals, political figures, movie premieres, casinos and “The Jackie Chan.” Also in 2006 I was part of a Chinese Television search, looking for the next movie action star known as K-Star. 5000 martial artists applied for this, only 100 were selected and only 60 showed up, I one of them with 8 of my other Lohan brothers. I Didn't win, but my skills have been improving immensely ever since.
Through my training in the martial arts I come to realize it is a total fitness approach. Sigung Steve planted a seed in me to seek as much knowledge as I can even if it was not from him. Most teachers will never want their students to do that, but that is also what makes Sigung Baugh, so unique as a teacher. Now I have taken more interest in seeking other teachers. But I have still came full circle back to Sigung Baugh.
In addition to the seed he planted in me, I took up personal training classes. Besides my love for helping others, the personal training course was to help me build structure and understanding of what I do in the martial arts. It helped me to understand balance of the body entirely. Martial Arts are known to create some very interesting injuries that NO average Doctor will ever understand. So the W.I.T.S. program I studied at UNLV filled in this gap entirely. The program covered Nutrition, Rehabilitation, Kinesiology, Physiology, labs, Hands on training, and as well as class studies.
Before I received the W.I.T.S. program certification, I was training with Kettlebells. I didn’t exactly know what I was doing at the time. It wasn't until my fellow Lohan Brother Sifu Roger Lim RKC, introduced me to the affiliation. They provide real functional training certifications from body weight, Kettlebells, and whatever else anyone would want. Then I signed up to take the HKC certification course and passed. What is further great about the Dragon Door group is that they are all like-minded Martial Art enthusiasts. The owner, John Du Cane, is a Tai Chi / Chi Kung practitioner. His credentials made the choice further easier to take in the knowledge they offered. Through the HKC course, became great friends with Senior RKC Dr. Mark Cheng founder of the beach body program, Tai Cheng. He has even trained me further to help me achieve my RKC goal. What I also found useful with the Kettlebell training, was what the Shaolin Monks of old used to practice with a similar tool known as a Shi Shou (Key Lock).
In 2012 I also tried out for the competition of American Ninja Warrior. Loved the program ever since I caught it about 3 years ago from the original Japanese program known as Sasuke. Sasuke is a competition that tests every part of the man’s physical strengths, mental, and endurance to succeed. I was interviewed by phone shortly after my video submission. Sadly was never told or confirmed if I was chosen to participate in the show challenge. Always next year.....
In the end it leads me full circle back to my Shaolin practices. Now knowing what I know, I want to understand the roots of Bodhidharma (A man of Indian decent) the founder of Shaolin Temple in the first place. Bodhidharma was not just the father of Zen (Ch'an) Buddhism. He also was a pioneer to the Calisthenic work, Mindful exercises, really the totality of fitness over in Asia. Fitness was one of the greatest treasures he brought to Shaolin Temple and often gets over looked. Physical Fitness is the backbone to the mind. If the body is weak, so will the mind. So in turn that is why the Monks of Shaolin adapted such practices of Martial Arts/ Calisthenics to further their path to enlightenment, and understanding.
This is definitely the approach of how I train my clients. I give the knowledge to understand deeper what is behind what they are doing, rather than just a grind of movements. I give programs that will meet their needs while also influencing why they should achieve specific goals.
Currently I teach and assist Sigung Steve Baugh at the Lohan School of Shaolin with Kettlebell and martial art training. I have many satisfied clients with private and group class instruction. As well still find time to instruct the Chinese Martial Arts Association club at the UNLV campus when available.
Sifu Lance Brazil HKC, W.I.T.S.
"The power is there, you just have to plug into it"