Bionic Bodies Personal Training, Fitness and Wellness Consultant

L.P. Crawford
Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 (within 30 miles)
Trains both men and women
  • Strength Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Body Sculpting
  • Balance, Coordination, Core and
Training Locations
  • home
  • gym
  • work
  • outdoors
  • NESTA/AFPA/IFPA/ACTION/FITOUR/North Carolina Board of Nursing

Personal Trainer Overview

Bionic Bodies Personal Training is the only Company in the Charlotte-Metro area offering In-Home Personal Training, in conjunction with Integrative Health, Fitness, and Wellness Services.

From the person who has never done a sit-up, to the well-conditioned athlete, Bionic Bodies Training can help you to meet your Fitness and Health Goals!

My Innovative, Synergistic Training Techniques will not only Seriously ReVamp your body physically, but you can also expect improvements in Metabolic and Molecular Functioning!

Training Philosophy

As a Personal Trainer, I have combined the studies of Naturopathy and Alternative Healing Methods with my Nursing Background, and have used these practices extensively in my personal life, and in working with my clients.

Bionic Bodies Training can help you to Eat Clean, Train Mean, and Get Fit, while you Tone, Firm, Sculpt, and Rev Up Your Metabolism!

Whether you are 19, or 90, Bionic Bodies Training can create an effective program for you!

For those of you who think that you can never be fit because you have "bad genes" or a "slow metabolism," I challenge you to prove this theory wrong!

As a client of Bionic Bodies Training, you will receive access to these types of Holistic Integrative Health services, in addition to Personal Training and Wellness services. No other Personal Trainer in the SouthEast offers these types of Comprehensive Services for their clients!

I believe that the body is an Amazing, Marvelous Machine which requires and desires constant Movement and Motion. The body will respond, with Spectacular Results, to the physical demands which we place upon it.

I believe that if we expend as much effort into caring for our bodies as we do with other aspects of our lives, we can replace up to 90% or more of our society’s current illness, infirmity, sickness, and disease, with Happiness, Health, and Longevity.


Registered Nurse, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Flexibility Coach

Certified Lifestyle & Weight Management Specialist, SAS (Strength/Agility/Speed) Specialist, Certified Senior Fitness Trainer,

Certified Youth Fitness Trainer, KickBox Certified Trainer, Barbell Certified Trainer, Core & Functional Fitness Certified Trainer, Step Certifed Trainer


During my early years of Training, I often became Overly-Enthusiastic, and would train in ways which were Super-Aggressive and sometimes, even unsafe.

After suffering various injuries (sprained ankle, ACL sprain, wrist sprain, IT Band Syndrome etc.) during my personal training sessions, I used my Nursing Background, and my Certified Flexibility Coach Training to heal my own injuries, without medical intervention.

I also helped others with rehab following various injuries, including Torn Ligaments, Knee Replacements, Shoulder/Neck Strain, Carpal Tunnel, Severe Back Pain, etc.]

As testament to the efficacies of these practices, I can proudly claim that I have not been sick in over 15 years! This is especially noteworthy because, as a nurse working in environments with patients and co-workers who frequently suffer from various contagious aliments (respiratory infections, colds, flu etc.) I have consistently maintained my health and immunity, without the use of industrialized interventions (vaccines, antibiotics, etc.)

Contact me today to begin your path to Fitness, Wellness, and Health!

To your health!

L.P. Crawford

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