Certified MMA Strength and Conditioning Coach

Kieth Boatright
Glendale, Arizona 85306
Trains both men and women
  • Strength Building
  • Body Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Rehabilitation
  • Pilates
  • Aerobics
  • Kick Boxing
  • Body Sculpting
  • TRX, MMA, Submission Wrestling,
Training Locations
  • gym
  • NASM
  • ISSA

Personal Trainer Overview

Come learn how to train like a fighter. Picture the Ideal athlete how elgeant in shape they look. Powerful, agile, quick, and flexible. How do you build that atheltic body?

Training Philosophy

I teach proper form, and proper function when it comes to strength building. I Also emphasis my training on injury prevention methods, this includes stretching and joint strengthening movements. The ideal trainer will gear up an individual work out for each client. This should include a phase 1 through at least 4. In phase 1 the focus is building a good foundation. Meaning: strength, flexibility, and balance. As you move up in the phases the workouts increase. Slowly sculpting you into that athletic body you have always dreamed of. While providing you information so you will never have to hire another personal trainer again. My main goals is to have my clients have the same knowledge I have a that way they know how to gear up their own personal work out without having to pay money for a trainer.


certified MMA conditioning coach through NESTA. Under Dr. John Spencer Elilis.http://mixedmartialartsconditioningassociation.com/

Proffesional MMA Fighter, with a pro card. competitive in Power lifting, as well as body building.


Kieth Boatright is an emerging force in 21st century unarmed combatives, and strength, conditioning. The 9 year MMA veteran is an ASU graduate with an extensive athletic background. His career spans individual events from competitive wrestling, pankration, and body building to team sports such as football. While an average individual might be content with proficiency in only one of these fields, Mr. Boatright chose to also become one of the top combatives coaches in the American southwest. With his certification through NESTA in MMA Conditioning Coach. He has also worked closely with Elite Combat Sports founder, Matt Spencer, and continues to grow his training curriculum under his guidance. Over the past 4 years his experience and natural leadership ability have catapulted him to the United Fighter’s Association’s head instructor position. Additionally, Mr. Boatright has the uncommon ability to not only assimilate and apply complex techniques, but to also make them understandable for the common man. Training with him will help you build a rock solid foundation and hone your skills to a razor’s edge. Whether you are a serious practitioner or an aspiring professional, private instruction is available, but openings fill quickly. To reserve a slot in the upcoming training cycle contact the United Fighter’s Association immediately.

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