Personal Trainer Specializing in Body Sculpting Lower and Upper Body with Techniques including Plyometrics, Agility, Endurance, Cardiovascular Interval Target Training, Fat Loss, Bodybuilding, Full Body Conditioning Core & Abdominal Training, Calesthetics
Kesha Butler
New York, New York 10031
Trains both men and women
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
My Business is named K Power Fitness Training-Multimedia Fitness. I started my own Independent Personal Training business, in 2010 and it has been taking off ever since. My business consists of pure dedication, motivation and drive from which I install in my clients. My goal is to ensure they start and continue to live a healthy, active and fit lifestyle. The name Power Fitness comes from, my belief in Fitness being a very powerful have in your life, once you conquer it mind, body and soul. The letter "K" comes from me (Kesha Marie), as an active representation, of what the Power of Fitness can do...and I motivate this to my clients every day! Multimedia Fitness means multiple social networks, I Life Coach through, to help everyone all over the country... in Health & Wellness articles, motivational fitness tips in video and social media postings. My intent in my fitness business, is to make Health and Fitness a significant part of your life and to endure a Power Fit Lifestyle!"
Training Philosophy
Commit To Stay Fit!!!!!
With No Commitment, You are Contradicting Your Time With This Major Investment in you Health and Wellness!!!! Stick with it and absolutely DO NOT FOLD!
Image for ITT Technical Institute-Norfolk
ITT Technical Institute-Norfolk
Information Technology-Multimedia
2002 – 2003
Image for Thomas Nelson Community College
Thomas Nelson Community College
Mass Communication/Media Studies
1991 – 1993