Your body is the best piece of use it
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
Our Boot Camps combine functional training with strength, endurance and agility exercises using little or no equipment. Our personal training sessions are designed to be intimate, relaxed and personally motivating.
All of our boot camps are tailored to meet the needs of everyone individually. Classes are taught to accommodate EVERY fitness level.
Training Philosophy
She is continually furthering her education by attending workshops and conferences to keep updated on the newest innovations in exercise and fitness. Currently, she is working on her Weight and Lifestyle Management certification through ACE.
In 2007, Katie became pregnant with her daughter and within a few months began training mother's pre and post-natally with their children. It was such an amazing experience for her to train these women through their pregnancies and help them transform their bodies into powerhouses after.
After three years of watching women change their lives through fitness, Katie decided she wanted to help everyone transform their bodies, men and women. Body Rock Fitness was born.
Body Rock Fitness is built around her own personal fitness belief-your body is the best piece of equipment so use it to its fullest potential and have fun doing it!