Specializing in Weight Loss and Fitness Training

Justine Conover
Preston, Maryland 21655
Trains both men and women
• Strength Building
• Body Building
• Weight Loss
• Body Sculpting
Training Locations
• home
• gym
• outdoors
• Certified Fitness Trainer

Personal Trainer Overview

It's no secret - fitness training has been proven to prevent disease, strengthen your health and improve your confidence and outlook on life. As a certified fitness trainer, I'm deeply trained in everything from muscle mechanics to flexibility and cardiovascular dynamics. So if you want to live a stronger and more confident life, I've got the training and the expertise to help you every step of the way.

Training Philosophy

As a Certified Fitness Trainer, I specialize in weight loss programs and custom training routines. Whether your goal is to tone up and lose weight or to bulk up and get huge, I can help you every step of the way! I like to challenge and encourage my clients to rise above physical and mental boundaries by using a mix of weight training, cardio and a realistic nutritional plan. I take your goals and progress personally and will be right beside you every step of the way. With your determination and my dedication, experience and information, we can make great things happen!


I was born in a tiny town in south central Pennsylvania and moved to the eastern shore of Maryland when I was 10. I am the oldest of 5 girls. I came to Minot in June of 2008 on vacation and never left☺ My husband and I were married in May of 2011 and on June 17, 2011 we became proud parents to our son Kellen.

My interest in fitness started in college. I gained around 15 pounds my first year and I told myself it was normal because of being busy with school and full time work, I chose fast food and vending machines over healthier options because I convinced myself that I didn’t have time to goto the grocery store and shop, more or less cook. At this time I was a smoker with about a half pack a day habit. I had asthma and was always getting respiritory infections. It wasn’t until a friend of mine at work pulled me aside and told me I looked like crap, that I realized I felt like crap too! I was tired all the time, and I couldn’t seem to shake the never ending chest congestion, it seemed like I caught every bug from every person I ever crossed paths with. I decided then that I needed to not just lose weight and quit smoking, but that I needed a full lifestyle makeover.

I made regular trips to the gym and eating right a way of life. It was part of my daily routine. It became as much habit as brushing my teeth. I quit smoking, I learned to shop on the outer edges of the grocery store, I prepared meals on my days off to make sure that I had healthy food always available. I learned to make healthy choices when choosing things off of a fast food menu on those days I just didn’t have time.

I fell in love with competing and with this lifestyle and I knew I wanted to be that push for others, I strive to share my passion, knowledge and motivation with others.

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