Personal Fitness Training online and in person with Mr. Universe Julian Grishajev
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
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For Adults - Personal Fitness Training online and in person in the Dallas area. For Youth - Build confidence, run faster, jump higher , become stronger. - Professional Body Sculpture for motivated individuals and for the general public to improve general health, lose weight and well being. Corporate Fitness can be considered on request.
Visit to get more information about Personal Fitness Training in the Dallas area in person and online.
Training Philosophy
My long professional career and long trainer's experience allow me to implement many different techniques in training methods.
Professional trainer always must take into account the lifestyle and work schedule of the person with whom need to start work. In our kind of business if we look into exercise and don't care about rest,sleep,kitchen habits we will get nowhere and always will be at the same point where we started or we will have just the very small temporary effect.
Working with many different population groups ages 9 - 69 ,such as Adult Athletes, Dancers, Adults, Moms after baby , General public ,Doctors ,Youth Athletes , Overweight People
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