Personal Fitness Coach & Martial Arts Instructor

John Hoadley
Middletown, Connecticut 06457 (within 30 miles)
Trains both men and women
  • Strength Building
  • Body Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Rehabilitation
  • Yoga
  • Aerobics
  • Kick Boxing
  • Body Sculpting
  • Nutrition Coaching, Martial Arts
Training Locations
  • home
  • gym
  • studio
  • work
  • outdoors
  • NESTA (National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association) Certified: Elite Training Specialist Functional Training Specialist Core Conditioning Specialist Bio-mechanics Specialist Tactix Method Instructor Sensei (Master Instructor of Martial Arts)

Personal Trainer Overview

John has had a passion for martial arts & fitness since age 12. He is a Black Belt Instructor of Ninja-Ryu Koga Ryu Ninjutsu, has studied the Blazing Phoenix System, Kung Fu and more.

John is the former owner of Knights Academy of Martial Arts & Fitness, where as Sensei (Master & Instructor of Martial Arts) John created and taught his unique form Tai-Fu Jitsu (Art of the Hurricane) to children and adults of all ages and backgrounds for ten years. (1992 – 2002)

John was commissioned by State of Connecticut for Instruction of Troubled Children to Find a Positive Outlet. (1993 – 1994)

John and his students have competed in The Best of the Best and the Battle of New England martial arts tournaments.

John decided he wanted to reach and help more people with his love for martial arts and fitness.

He became a NESTA Certified Elite Training Specialist in 2010.

John has been training clients and students in their homes, outdoors and at fitness facilities through out CT.

John continues his education and training as a member of IDEA Fitness & Wellness Association. He constantly strives to grow and learn from every resource he finds, including those around him, other trainers, instructors and even clients. John believes we all have something to learn and share with each other.

Training Philosophy

“Fitness helps people to become better in many aspects. They get in shape; have a positive attitude, more self-confidence and self-discipline, leading to a healthier, happier and longer life. This is the reason I became a personal trainer & instructor.”

- John Hoadley –


Human Anatomy and Physiology at Three Rivers Community College, Norwich, Ct.


John has been a health and fitness enthusiast for over 25 years. At age 12 he began studying the Ninja-Ryu Martial Arts. John achieved his Black Belt Instructor Certification by age 16. He also studied the Blazing Phoenix System of Martial Arts. At 18 John opened his own school, the Knights Academy of Martial Arts in Meriden, Ct. There, he created his own system, Tai-Fu Jitsu (Art of the Hurricane), a practical combination of everything he had accomplished. After 10 years in 2002, John went on to do other things. He studied Human Anatomy and Physiology at Three Rivers Community College, Norwich, Ct. Now John has become NESTA (National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association) Certified Specialist in:

Elite Training, Biomechanics, Core Conditioning and Functional Fitness. John enjoys many physical activities including weight & resistance training, biking, running, hiking & rock climbing. John also trains select clients from time to time in their homes and outdoors.

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