Feel and look your best! I'll show you the road to success.
John Brescia
Oxford, Massachusetts 01540
Trains both men and women
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
Your body will attempt to accomplish anything you ask of it. But more often than not it will use poor muscle mechanics or worse, the wrong muscles. I've spent over 30 years training competitive gymnasts by breaking down elements to ensure success. I use these same techniques with fitness minded clients to teach them to use their bodies smarter. This means the ability to use lighter resistance and achieve the required results. This equates to a safer experience to success.
Training Philosophy
People have often asked me, "what exercises or equipment are the best?" My answer? The ones you'll do or use. I start by guiding my clients through various exercises and styles to find what excites them to be motivated. When starting, less is more. My goal is never to cause pain. Even heightened post exercise soreness. Bodies react faster to smart, structured exercise patterns.
Wellness Coach, Gym/Weight lifting Safety Certificate, Precision Cuisine Certificate (how to enjoy eating smart foods), Assist ISSA trainer certification seminars, USAG Safety Certified, USAG Pro Coach