16 Years Experience, Canyon Ranch Instructor, Unmatched Qualifications on NY's Upper East Side

Joanne Thomas
New York, New York 10128 (within 5 miles)
Trains female only
• Strength Building
• Weight Loss
• Yoga
• Pilates
• Body Sculpting
• Cancer Exercise
Training Locations
• home
• gym
• work
• outdoors
• Client's Building Gym
• Certified Personal Trainer - American Council on Exercise Exercise Leader - American College of Sports Medicine Cancer Exercise Specialist - Cancer Exercise Training Institute Aquatic Fitness Instructor - Aquatic Exercise Association Primary Pilates Instructor - Fitour YogaFit Level I instructor - YogaFit (October 2010)

Personal Trainer Overview

Mature, real-world training. We set achievable goals together, then I provide motivation along the way.

No boot camp here - just safe, caring, enjoyable training based on exercise science. 20's to 80's, bride-to-be, mom-to-be, slim-to-be. You'll see and feel the results you want. And experience stress relief.

Focus on excellent service to upscale clients, from my years at Canyon Ranch in the Berkshires.

Also expert, compassionate programs for women with cancer and cancer survivors.

I meet all insurance requirements for NYC co-ops, condos, and rental buildings.

CPR and AED certified.

Training Philosophy

We're in this together!

Here's a sample new client:

A careful,confidential health history to make sure you're ready.

You tell me what you want from our work together - long term and short term. Example: I want to lose 10 pounds and tone my lower body by Memorial Day.

I draw up a plan with achievable targets. Some we do together, some you do alone as "homework". Example: You commit to walking 30 minutes 4 days a week. You are accountable and keep records to show me. I create your body toning plan, mixing my expertise in body sculpting and Pilates.

We work your whole body, not just "problem" areas. Spot-reducing never works.

Every session ends with a deep, relaxing stretch and simple restorative yoga poses.

You receive trusted referrals to licensed nutritional counseling and massage therapy to support your program.

You'll be challenged, not sore and miserable. You'll have fun meeting your targets.

Other programs:

For clients who wish to focus on one type of exercise, say Pilates or Yoga only, I design custom routines for your body.

If you have a pool, we can do non-swimming water exercise - excellent for coping with injuries or arthritis.

For clients in pregnancy, post-partum, menopause, or with osteoporosis or other conditions, and elder women, exercise is customized for you.

I also create routines for busy women who travel and for vacations.

For clients faced with cancer, I work with your doctor to approve your plan. Your plan is tailored to your needs, considering your surgery and treatment, plus any special needs, such as lymphedema management. Treatment tolerance. improved mood, and enhanced quality of life are some of the benefits.

I want you to look forward to exercise and make it a part of your life, for your health and the gifts it brings your mind and spirit.


Extensive studies in exercise for:


Elder adults

Chronic diseases

Back care

Studies in exercise program design

At Canyon Ranch, I taught the following classes:

Morning Stretch

Body Sculpt

Aqua Aerobics

Aqua Toning

Women's' Stretch

Get on the Ball (stability balls and weighted balls)

Aerobic Circuit Weights


Fit Over 50

Stretch and Relax

Author of many articles in fitness magazines.

Featured speaker at fitness instructor/personal trainer conventions.

Guest instructor at Caribbean resorts


I'm proud of my skills in personal training.

Before becoming certified to train, I had several long careers. I worked at the National Archives. I worked at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. These were positions that required analytical skills and listening and communication.

I carefully planned my transition from the 9 to 5 world into full time personal training in private practice, self-employed - a big step, now 16 years ago. I started working in community centers and health clubs, then grew into private practice rapidly.

it's been a fulfilling ride, as I've learned and grown my ability to help many kinds of people.

Lots of work, but just as with exercise, you need a plan!

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