customized programs that combine mindfulness with functional exercise

Jennifer Boyle
Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751
Trains female only
  • Strength Building
  • Weight Loss
  • energy building
Training Locations
  • home
  • Certified Personal Trainer- American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

Personal Trainer Overview

Improve your health and body composition through sustainable fully customized workouts that leave you feeling more energized than you started. With my guidance, you can discover a workout plan that is enjoyable, stress reducing, and physically enhancing. No more excessive fatigue or boring exercises! Learn how to move better and connect with your body so you can exercise appropriately.

Training Philosophy

Simply put, my philosophy is this:

Your body knows best, all you need to do is learn how to listen to it. My job is to help you learn to listen.

Every human being is a completely unique individual, therefore, each exercise program must be tailored to that individuals current state of being in order to truly enhance their life. This means addressing variables like stress, time availability, physical condition, nutrition, and injury history. In order to experience authentic and lasting physical health and vitality, you must learn to listen to your body. My programs emphasis teaching you how to strengthen your mind body connection, understand how stress impacts your life, and other tools you can use to assess how you should exercise on a day to day basis.


Bachelor's of Human Science in Health, Wellness, and Fitness with Fitness Professional Concentration. University of Wisconsin- Stout 2022


My passion for fitness began with a passion for athletics starting in middle school. I continued my journey as an athlete throughout high school and into college. My first professional experience was teaching "Senior Fit" classes to older adults when I was just 17. As I finished up my college education, I taught in the boutique fitness industry. After graduating with my Human Science BA, I began applying my personal training background to the behavioral health sector. This experience taught me a great deal about how to create exercise programs that are truly realistic, attainable, and provide s therapeutic benefit to the body and mind.

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