Idaho's Premier In-Home Personal Trainer
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Personal Trainer Overview
When you choose to train with Jeff Denton, you choose to succeed. We want YOU to benefit from the most optimal RESULTS, and experience training that is truly structured to your goals and your needs. Your fitness & nutritional program is created from the ground up to ensure nothing is left out and there is no more guesswork. These RESULTS last a lifetime!
Training Philosophy
Growing up, we didn't have much money and I vividly remember my father working long days to keep us all going, only to come home and still take me outside to work on my baseball. My mother has been my guiding light and always was consistent in telling me I was capable of great things. So although we didn't have much in material items or money, the love and support made me feel like the wealthiest kid around. This is what built the foundation of character in me that has led me each and every day of my life.
Every single thing my name is attached to in life I strive to do with the intention of being the greatest I can possibly be. We all come to crossroads in life and the decision that we make to choose one path over or the other is the decision that can ultimately shape us going forward. When you make a decision at the crossroad in life and follow the path that is shows least resistance, then some of your greatest potential may never be tapped into. This is when most people end up settling for average circumstances or surroundings in their life while at the same time laying to rest their dreams, visions, and goals. Life and fate have a funny way of taking their course...but if you mentally believe you can do something and want it bad enough; you can and will always find a way to make it happen. The more I have achieved in my fitness career; as a trainer, model, and speaker, the more fire is lit within me to coach others how to achieve.
Along this road, I have found that everything people need to succeed in any endeavor in life, is already inside of them. There is flame waiting to be lit. The foundation to my message is to ignite those flames, through all the avenues I can. A great body is just a by-product of what a structured lifestyle change produces. To get the results we want in the gym and kitchen, we must constantly strengthen our dedication and character. All the sudden, you are now able to apply that dedication and character more efficiently in life and get a promotion, start a business, walk with more confidence, enhance your relationships, elevate your social life, and face any challenge with a new perspective.
The hardest step is the first one, after that first step you never look back and have to wonder “what if?” for you chose a path based on your long term vision, not the temporary short-lived satisfactions the majority of society chooses.
It matters not where you're at today, where you have been, or what adversity you might face. Never allow fear, regret, or obstacle stop you from becoming the person you were meant to be. I am here to give you every tool you need to be bold, fearless and strong. "When a strong body & a fearless mind come together for a common purpose; ANYTHING is possible. Believe that...and the journey to becoming the greatest has begun.