Personal Training and Health/Wellness Coach

Jake Roth
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920
Trains both men and women
  • Strength Building
  • Body Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Body Sculpting
Training Locations
  • home
  • studio
  • work
  • NCSF

Personal Trainer Overview

Putting the PERSONAL back in Personal Training. Everybody has a unique body, goals, and background so why do corporate gyms take every client through the same program? THAT IS CRAZY! I tailor fitness programs around each individual in order to reach your personal fitness goals. Training and Nutrition is not a one size fits all! I guarantee that each session will push new limits and help you take your health to the next level.

Training Philosophy

Each program will differ to match up with the clients goals! Each focusing on Muscle Strength, Endurance and Flexibility

Weight (Fat) Loss programs will include resistance training with a mix of cardio in order to boost metabolism and train in the "fat burning zone" by keeping heart rate levels high.

Weight (muscle) Gain programs will focus on heavy weight and high volume lifts. Isolating muscle groups in order to achieve chiseled muscle mass.

Whatever the goal you will be matched with a personal nutrition plan to complement your training regimen.


Nutrition Background-

Health and Wellness Coach through TLS weight loss solutions, Supplement adviser for Isotonix Supplements

Training Background-

Certification through Nation Council of Strength and Fitness (NCSF), over a year of training experience, sports conditioning, strength/bodybuilding training, weight loss programs, bootcamp instructor, individual and partner training


In order to give some validation as to why I love the gym scene as well as qualify myself as someone who is a ‘fitness expert’ and not just posting opinions. My journey started all the way back in 8th grade, honestly at the time I was overweight and subconscious about it. A Gold’s gym was opening around the corner from my house, and my parents blessed me with a family membership (something that I will be forever thankful for). My dad and I started working out before school, thus my addiction began. In high school I would work out with a friend, but focused on just chest and biceps. My thinking was I hate legs but I run in soccer to why lift legs, I can’t see my back so why train that either? I was just interested in the ‘glamour’ muscles that every boy wants to impress girls. As months passes I had developed a respectable physique when compared to my peers. Then it all changed when my junior year of high school I decided to play rugby instead of soccer. I was thrown into the sport and after my first year I knew that if I ever wanted to touch the field I had to get serious about putting on some respectable muscle mass. My senior year I hired a trainer before rugby season (I went on to play rugby in college), which pushed me to my limits. I went from standing 5’10” and a measly 145lbs to a respectable 170lbs. Man my trainer kicked my butt!!! I however ate up every second and loved being pushed to my limit every single training session, and by limit I mean every time the session ended I had nothing left in the tank (and had many sessions that included puking from pure exhaustion). Is that type of training for everyone? No. But I loved it! It only spurred on my passion for the gym and taught me the importance of not neglecting muscle groups, and the importance of training with intensity. Years have passed my gym IQ has improved, and this past year I decided to become a certified personal trainer! I love to challenge my own personal fitness while also help others achieve their fitness goals.

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