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Personal Trainer Overview
1. Health – being pain-free
2. Mobility – having full range of pain-free motion in all directions
3. Function – being able to move normally with good technique
4. Attribute – strength, endurance, qualities for performance
5. Physique – having a beautiful body
What most people don’t realize is that all these physical goals must come in this order. Like in most other systems, doing it in any other way and putting the cart before the horse could result in injury.
Training Philosophy
Look at a child move and you would know what i mean. Children can move in many ways and not get injured. Playing around, falling, tumbling etc is normal movement for kids. Kids can do prefect dead-lift and squat without being taught.
As we go through life, through:
-Misuse, e.g. lifting heavy objects without proper movement,
-Disuse, e.g. sedentary lifestyle,
-Abuse, e.g. hard training without proper preparation and rehab,
We lose a lot of this movements.
Don't believe me? Just ask any adult if they want to pick up gymnastics or breakdance or capoeira. Most people would reply you with “i am too old and stiff” or “i would break my bones” etc.
Movement is our inheritance. It is our birthright. I am referring to everyone who is born normal, not people who are born with certain disorders. Movement is our duty. Movement reflects God's beauty as Creator. When you see a wild animal move in it's natural habitat, aren't you amazed by the power and finesse with which it moves?
How about human movement? Humans have the most varied movement within a species compared to other animals. There are weightlifters, gymnasts, martial artists, builders or a combination of a few.
But you don't see animals moving this way. You don't expect the elephant (weightlifter) to move like a monkey (gymnast). You don't expect the tiger (martial artist) to pull/carry heavy loads like an elephant (weightlifter). Etc.
We are commanded to “have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth”. (Genesis 1:28)(emphasis mine) Is human being a living thing? So doesn't that include having dominion over our own bodies?
Jesus Christ is The Great Physician, who restores our bodies and soul in the absolute sense. We, as medical practitioners (of various disciplines) are just His servants and representatives. We cannot and do not restore bodies 100 percent. Nevertheless our calling is to bring healing and relief to this broken world so that others may see the glory of the Great Physician.
Head Injury Rehabilitation, Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
And many more.
Head Coach, Singapore Kettlebell Club, 2009-present
Head Coach, Fitness Fuzion, 2005-present
Personal Trainer, The Pines, 2007-2008
Assisted with strength and conditioning of Nanyang Polytechnic pole vaulters, 2005-2007
Gymnastics Coach, Above & Beyond Gymnastics, 2004-2006
Gymnastics Coach, Prime Gymnastics, 2003
Member, Association of Capoeira Argola De Ouro, 2003-2005
Assistant Coach, Singapore Amateur Gymnastics Association, 2002
Captain, Victoria Junior College Wushu Team, 1998-1999
Member, The Chinese High School Gymnastics Team, 1993-1997
Blue-red Belt (3rd) Kup, Singapore Taekwondo Federation, 1997-1999