H&G Personal Training
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
(704) 497-1126 to get the results you need
today. With over 15 years of experience
we cover everything from Boot Camps,
One-on-One Training, Group Training,
Strength Training, Sport Specific
Training, Kettlebells, TRX, & Much More.
Training Philosophy
background. He received a Full Athletic
scholarship to play football at Colorado
State. Geoff is certified through the NSCA
as a-Certified Strength & Conditioning
Specialist, Titleist Performance Institute
Certified Golf Fitness Instructor, Certified
Crossfit Kettlebell Instructor And A
Certified TRX Group Suspension Trainer.
He has trained numerous All-Pro Athletes
in the National Football League, collegiate
athletes and anyone that is looking for an
incredible workout. If you need to lose
weight and build confidence pick up the
phone and call him today because he lives to train.