Let me help you to reach your Fitness goal.
Fabian Lorenzini
New York, New York 10017 (within 10 miles)
Trains both men and women
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
Applying fundamental exercise science and fitness program design principles for the achievement of improve levels of fitness and maintain an enhanced feeling of well-being and health.
Training Philosophy
Delivering a safe, effective, fun, and interesting workout.
Address the basic postural alignment issues during movement and teach them proper form. Core training, balance training, and multi-joint muscular endurance are some of the tools together with my love and passion for fitness.
NFPT Personal Trainer.2011
AFAA fitness Instructor.2007
Certificado en Ritmos Latinos 2001
Certificado en Spining 1999
ERA Instructor de Fitness 1998
Curso Hip Hop, Aerobica II y Step II 1998
Simposio Internacional de Nutricion e Hidratacion Deportiva para la actividad Fisica 1997
Fitness Instructor , Started teaching in1996. Taught multiple styles of fitness Group classes.
Still teaching Dance, Body Sculpt and more.
Also providing Individual and group private training.