Lose Fat And Gain Lean Muscle
Duke Mansell
Tampa, Florida 33629 (within 10 miles)
Trains both men and women
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
Unlike any other trainer who fell into this line of work I have spent my life around collegiate and professional athletes. As a medical student I know the tweaks of biology and physiology that enable a client to loss fat and gain lean muscle without starvation diets or round the clock training. If you want to look amazing, feel great, eat food and not spend your life in a gym, then I am the trainer for you. Whether your goal is simply weight loss or to build mass the secret is the training for your body type and diet based real science. Don't listen to the fad diets or fitness magazines, these are just junk meant to sell books and magazines. Through science and logic I will get you where you want to be without wasting your time. Contact me for a free consultation and learn how hundreds have lost 10-20lbs of fat in a month without starvation and how to build muscle at the same time. Your new body awaits and its easier than you have been lead to believe.
Training Philosophy
Don't waste your time with the random junk in fitness magazines or the idea that you have to "trick" the body with hundreds of different movements. The physiology of the body is clear and as a medical student I surpass my peers in understanding this. The fundamentals build champions. The only thing that needs to be "tricking" the body is the weight and the volume. The rest of the accessory work I build around dysfunctions and asymmetries of the individual clients. Even professionals are always focusing on honing the fundamentals so they can then work on sports specific exercises. The majority of the time I am removing exercises from a clients training and adding what will work. Clients see their gains and body change rapidly when they stop fooling around on BOSU balls or hitting some minor individual muscle group from a thousand angles. Its heresy in the training world but I set my clients straight and they succeed. The same is true with their diets. Most people already "know" what works and spend their lives eating boiled chicken and yams. No one wants to live this way and the body does not function optimally in this manner either. When I return clients to real foods they area amazed that they can eat what tastes good, not starve while losing weight, and still attain goals they worked years attempting to reach. I tell every successful individual who thinks I have nothing to offer because they are succeeding in another manner that they are succeeding IN SPITE of what they are doing and if they would just follow what I have compiled from the studies of human biology and physiology their gains would be greater and easier. Many do follow what I lay out and get to be lean and beautiful while eating foods they love. Don't make something simple hard just because you think it has to be. This idea of fitness has been made hard to sell magazines, books, and training programs. I give it away in my training sessions so you can manage your own affairs and I can move on to the other million people still lost in the darkness of bodybuilding and diet folklore. Lets get started and get you to where you have always wanted to be!
As the son of the Head Athletic Trainer at the University of Connecticut I spent my life around collegiate and professional athletes. I was privy to the secrets of the strength trainers, coaches and nutritionists at this esteemed University and have practical knowledge that simply can not be picked up in a school but only with time and practice. I have a BS from this same school and hold a personal trainers certificate from the American Counsel on Exercise. I chose to pursue medical school when the information I had built over a lift time seemed to make training and diet a chore with little to show for it. What I have discovered along the way is how the biology and physiology of the body requires certain things todays "fad" diets and "training" programs simply ignore either because of ignorance or lack of knowledge. The body wants to be lean and muscular. The body wants to be strong and nimble. Give it what it needs and it will return the favor in spades.
I have spent my life studying fitness and health. As a student of different institutions and as a student of life. My idea of a good time is dry medical text and fitness literature. I have pieced together what is lacking in the fitness world. Many trainers simply accept what has been spoon fed to the industry and have miserable results to show for it. Any person, trainer or otherwise, can run a client into the ground, have them feel fatigued 6 days a week and throw out all their favorite foods and show some results. The problems is, this can't last. Most clients that come to me have been through trainers, diet books, doctors, you name it. All these clients say the same thing. "It worked or started too, but I couldn't keep doing it." There is a reason for this. The body can not be on these crazy starvation diets or diets removing whole food groups. A person can not live without getting to enjoy a piece of cake now and then, am I right? No one wants to exercise an hour a day, run after that and do it day in and day out. There is no logical reason to do this in the first place other than the fact most trainers and Doctors assume the body has to be beaten into submission to avoid gaining this fat we are so terrified of. Join me on learning how to really feed the body and work it so you aren't cringing come meal time and calling in to your trainer dead come training time. Stop wasting your time and your money and lets set a path for you that allows you to enjoy life and now have to worry about always getting in a work out. If you have every been to a good trainer, you wouldn't know them for long, because they would have taught you how to live your life to stay fit without them. Thats me, Ill teach you how to do it yourself so I can continue to help others learn how to do it.