Personal Training To Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Don Cormier
Rancho Santa Margarita, California 92688
Trains female only
  • Strength Building
  • Body Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Rehabilitation
  • Aerobics
  • Body Sculpting
Training Locations
  • home
  • gym
  • studio
  • ISSA
  • NASM

Personal Trainer Overview

My name is Don and I specialize in life changing transformations. I have helped hundreds of people around the globe gain muscle, lose body fat, become stronger, and more toned with my personal training programs.

Your customized training program is based on the information you provide on your daily activity levels, food preferences, and personal goals, and will be updated weekly for you. Like other professionals in my field, I believe that exercise is essential to a healthy life. Many people want to change, but they don't have the accurate, practical information they need to get started. Filling this gap has become my personal mission. The greatest joy of my professional life is seeing people lives change for the better as they become healthier. My programs are scientifically tested, which develops the entire spectrum of physical skills: muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, power, speed, coordination, balance, and flexibility. It is by focusing on the the development of these skills, rather than appearance, that you will make your best gains, both in ability and in appearance.

Training Philosophy

Achieving your goals is the highest priority for me as your Personal Trainer. With this is mind, I trainers will be changing and adapting the program as your body adapts to it. My mission is to provide a product that will give you a newer, fitter version of yourself! I will be mapping out the time you need to achieve these goals. My programs will utilize all modalities of training from body weight to resistance training techniques. I add cardio programming, core stability, flexibility and mobility sessions and recovery strategies to refresh the body and mind after each training session. A client who understands why, not just how they are training a certain way, is a client who can understand and believe in the program.


Physical Therapy Assistant, Sports Nutrition Sports Injury Prevention, Weight Training , Lifestyle Management


Don Cormier is a health coach with a passion for serving, transforming and empowering others. His mission is to make a worldwide impact , enabling people from all walks of life to enjoy enormous improvements in their health and personal lives. Don is here to educate you, believe in you and keep you accountable on your health and wellness journey to becoming a better you! He measures his success by the number of lives he changes and has a reputation for using a unique and personalized approach, he understands where you need to grow both physically and mentally in order to succeed. Forever Positive, Courageous and Evolving , Don is spreading his light amongst peers by creating a new culture that brings overall wellness together. He believes that results are not given but are earned and that fitness isn’t just about building muscle and losing weight but feeling good

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