Whole Life Health & Wellness
DeOnte Jackson-Durden
Kent, Washington 98032 (within 30 miles)
Trains both men and women
Training Locations
DeOnte Jackson-Durden, NSCA-CPT, is a personal trainer, health coach, entrepreneur & motivational speaker who lives to educate, energize & empower generations worldwide to reach optimal levels of performance in every dimension of wellness. He is the founder & creator of Whole Life Health & Wellness in Kent, WA, where he focuses on personal training, lifestyle coaching, nutrition & sports performance training to help serve the individual needs of a board clientele. DeOnte also serves as a personal trainer & group fitness instructor at Renton Highlands 24 Hour Fitness where he services a dynamic, high energic boot camp class, one-on-one personal training & partner training sessions. In addition to serving as a health coach, DeOnte is a student at Bellevue College in Bellevue, WA studying kinesiology & exercise science. DeOnte has appeared as a workshop speaker at SlingShot All City Youth Conference, Own That Stage youth event, & Kingdom Family Worship Center International teaching on various health & wellness topics.
DeOnte loves working with & training people of all walks of life & desires that everyone reach their maximum potential. It is through this passion that he strives to inspire every person he has the opportunity to meet & coach to healthier living & a more abundant life through an active lifestyle. He believes by conditioning the mental & spiritual dimensions of health, as well as the physical dimension, people will experience true transformation.
DeOnte resides in Kent, WA, & in his down time enjoys outdoor TRX training, rock climbing, playing the piano, basketball & football, & any other activity that contributes to a fun & fulfilling lifestyle.