Integrative Personal Training

David Reyna
Hialeah, Florida 33015 (within 10 miles)
Trains both men and women
  • Strength Building
  • Body Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Body Sculpting
  • Nutrition
Training Locations
  • gym
  • - NCSF Certified Personal Trainer (2003) - NESTA Certified Fitness Nutritionis (2006) - SPENCER INSTITUTE Certified Personal Fitness Chef (2010) - ACSM Certified Personal Trainer (2012)

Personal Trainer Overview

I have over 10 years of Experience Training with many successful cases and happy customers. I incorporate my certifications from Personal Training, Nutrition and Cooking to deliver a vision of

life style changes and progressive but sustained transformation. Science, experience and great attitude to serve better my clients

Training Philosophy

Body changes whether losing weight, seeking more definition, building muscle, sculpting particular areas, increasing cardiovascular capacity or any other fitness goal, is the conjunction of many converging aspects of Humanity. Therefore, a seasoned Personal Trainer must be a multidisciplinary professional. Motivation, rest, food, hydration, muscle, heart, mind, chemistry, timing and dedication are just some of the variables a good Trainer must coach on. Patience, dedication and attention to each individual is my approach and all this starts with a thorough assessment of the particular individual and his or her fitness goals


- Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso, Chile. 5 years of Philosophy and Religious Science (1989). How is this related to training? I do believe the Body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

- COMPTIA A+ Certified Technician (1998). Yes I believe that computers are related to many aspects of any person nowadays and keeps growing


Born in Valparaiso, Chile in 1965. David grew up in a Family of 4 brothers, Mom and Dad. Went through Elementary as an average kid but stood high during High School which allowed him to win a Scholarship in the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso, Chile. "I define myself as a man of many interests". One of his favorite quotes in Latin reads: "Homo sum, humanique nihil a me alienum puto", which translates " as a man nothing that is human is alien to me". David lives in Miami, Florida, a place that has been his home since 1992. Loves his kids and family. Currently stationed in Flex Fitness (Hialeah) where he enjoys the loyalty of happy customers. He works out daily and sometimes twice a day. David often confides to people that he is planning to live to 100 years. 2013 is a special year for David since he will be back in college pursuing a Bachelor in Exercise Physiology.

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