Working out to achieve a goal is not easy, but sticking with it will reward you with getting the results you worked so hard to attain. Many people see they want to make a change in their appearance and think about starting a workout program but only get as far as that. Other people will go a step further and try working out for a month or so. When people do not see a result overnight they feel they might have been cheated, but did they do everything they could? Understanding is one of the most important issues to succeed in accomplishing your goals. The way the body works is almost as if it’s fighting you the entire time. What I mean by this is your body needs to adapt to its new surroundings before it makes a change and depending on how much or less you are going for, you can’t make really big changes all at once. You can actually get the reverse results or slow your progress down. You have to make several small changes over the course of your program to let your body adapt slowly and grow into its new surroundings. After all, if you’re over weight it didn’t take a day or a month to become just that. It happened over the course of many years. When someone tells you, you have to do something you don’t want to do, like mowing the lawn or doing the dishes, you become reluctant to do so, but in the end, you get used to it, even start to enjoy it. You make it your own. You now have control of how the lawn is mowed and you make it look nicer every time you do it, and you start going to Home Depot to buy things to make it look even better. Same thing with starting a workout program to lose weight or build muscle. Make it your job to workout. Work a little harder every time, going for another minute or 3 more reps. Go to the market and but fresh produce and healthier foods and you WILL look even better. Look around you where ever you go and ask yourself what you might look like now if you started a program one year ago. Help and support is not that far away, I believe everyone can make a change and stick with it.
In the studio I will teach you about safety, proper form and the effective way to working out. I offer resistance training with free weights, machines, resistance bands and more. I will also work you out with cardio training, kickboxing, plyometric, tai chi forms and circuit training. I will show you how to perform exercises the correct and safe way by correcting form, and teaching safety of the machines and the way your body moves with every exercise. Keeping you safe is my number one concern, so it is important to learn proper etiquette on equipment and body form.
Nutrition is very important in weight loss. Many people may not realize what they are eating or how much. I will show you how to eat more sensibly and how many calories you should eat in a day. You will also learn about a variety of foods that are not only good for you, but taste great and are easy to prepare for a meal or snack. For more information please feel free to ask any questions on my page to help get you started.