Fitness & Nutrition Coach helping you to regain your energy!

Carl Bondorff
Trains both men and women
  • Strength Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Nutrition, Core and Balance, Pos
Training Locations
  • home
  • work
  • outdoors
  • International Sports Science Association (ISSA) - Certified Personal Trainer Strength and Conditioning Specialist TRX Certified Suspension
  • Group and Function Trainer Kettlebell Athletics Level 1 (Equinox) Viper Certified (Equinox) USA Cycling Coach

Personal Trainer Overview

I always start off with a basic fitness assessment (your goals).

Functional Movement Screen to see what areas we need to address.

I will program a workout that is designed for you through; Movement - Strength Training - Rest and Regeneration.

Training Philosophy

My name is Coach Carl, I’m a Fitness and Nutrition Coach and I can help you to regain your energy improve your health fitness and wellness.

I provide coaching through personal training to those who are ready to change and improve their health through nutrition and fitness, and are willing to take the steps to improve their lifestyle and wellness, enjoying life to the fullest!

I specialize in Fitness & Nutrition with One-on-One Personal Training, Group Training.

The One-on-One programs that I put together will be based on personal needs. The Group Training programs that I’ve set up are geared to be high energy and while boosting personal morale and I will keep the routines ever-changing so that boredom isn’t a factor when you train with me.

We need to create an environment that our bodies are capable of moving without external influence and with the ability to maintain posture and/or control motion when there is change.

Movement through fundamental patterns: Squatting - Stepping - Lunging - Reaching - Pushing - Pulling.

Strength Training that will increase your metabolism after the workout. Allowing your body to burn calories while you are sleeping! How cool is that?

Rest and Regeneration will be developed for all fitness levels to avoid overtraining.

Nutrition is the foundation of all that we are. We don't need crazy diets that are not sustainable. I will help you to crate life long habit one day at a time.


I was a Personal Trainer at Equinox gym. There, I received intensive education through their acclaimed, rigorous and world-renowned training institute, which turns Trainers into Master Instructors.

This included classes in Anatomy, Kinesiology, Exercise Physiology, Flexibility, Program Design and Post-Rehab Protocols. I will use this training in order to help my clients.

But I did not stop there! I continued my education through the International Sports Sciences Association. (ISSA) With a specialty in Strength and Conditioning. Also, I have my certification in nutrition through Precision Nutrition.

I’m also a veteran of the U.S. Coast Guard, have worked as an Emergency Medical Technician and Firefighter.


Throughout my life I have always wanted to help others live healthier, happier lives. In high school I worked as a Certified Nurse Assistant in a convalescent hospital. During high school I was in Shoshin Ryu Jujitsu. About that same time I got into cycling.

After high school I joined the United States Coast Guard. During my service I discovered that I wanted to help people during emergency medical situations.

When I got out of the U.S. Coast Guard I became certified as an Emergency Medical Technician, and then became an E.M.T. and Firefighter. I volunteered as a Firefighter for two years. Throughout those two years I discovered that I no longer wanted to be on the emergency side of health, but rather on the preventive side.

Wanting to make sure that I got the best training to help my clients, I became a Personal Trainer at Equinox gym. I went through their acclaimed, rigorous and world-renowned training institute, which turns Trainers into Master Instructors. This intensive education included Anatomy, Kinesiology, Exercise Physiology, Flexibility, Program Design and Post-Rehab Protocols.

I'm here to help You!


Your Goals are unique to You

Your Body

Your Health

Your Nutrition

Your Fitness

Is not a "one size fits all"

My training program is scientifically-proven and

I will customized it to meet your goals!

Stay Strong, Stay Motivated!

Coach Carl

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