Pro Fitness Network
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
Training Philosophy
Work with our nutrition specialist to create an individualized nutrition program just for you. Our priority is to provide you with the knowledge to discover the foods and eating habits that make you look and feel great. We can help!
Sore back, frozen shoulder, bad knees or knots in your neck? Whatever your limitations are, our massage therapists will work on your problem area. We will restore your muscle to optimal performance.
Acupuncture helps your body to help itself. Similar to Western medicine, our body, mind, and spirit function optimally when in a state of balance. When your life throws you out of balance, Acupuncture will put your energy back in order to re-establish internal stability.
Carina was nearly paralyzed in a near fatal accident that broke her neck in five places. It took two years of grueling physical therapy, rehab and weight training to fully recover. Today she has no lingering pain from the ordeal.
After surviving such severe accident she realized that you have nothing unless you have your health. With that in mind, she strove to create workout programs for all different kinds of people. Whether your goal is to get stronger, lose weight, or recover from injuries, Carina will help develop a workout program that is tailored to your needs. Today Carina specializes in working with more clients at the same time for a lower cost, which is semi-personal training.
Carina's commitment to health and well-being not only helped her overcome this devastating injury, but it also deepened her empathy for others with similar circumstances and inspired her to help others achieve their health and fitness goals. Carina lives in the Altadena area, and is a the proud mother of beautiful twin girls.